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Dateline:  Cleveland, Ohio
April 23, 2008

The first chick began to break through its shell on Earth Day! 
Mr. Harvey Webster, Director of Wildlife Resources at the Cleveland Museum of Natural History tells us:

“Pipping is the act of creating a breach in the shell and shell membrane so that the chick can establish respiratory function. After the pip there is a quiet phase where the chick draws blood back into its body from the shell membrane.

Once complete, the chick will then vigorously score the inside of the shell with its egg tooth while simultaneously pushing against the blunt cap of the egg with its neck. After scoring the shell for two thirds of its circumference the chick pushes against the cap and it flexes back enough for the chick to push its way out. It generally takes 24-36 hours between the onset of the pip and actual hatching”.

The parents paid close attention…….
Thanks to the FalconCam, Falcon fans were able to watch into the night and caught this picture of the newly hatched chick.
and the pip got larger as the day went on.  Nest monitor, Mr. Scott Wright, was at the nest and observed that the parents were actively listening throughout the hatch……..
It's fun to record the date that each chick hatches and then record its growth and progress.  When does the chick have its first meal and what will that be? When will it take its first step?  When will it get its first real feather?  When will it fly?  You can do this in a falcon journal, a technique that wildlife biologists use as they study the peregrines.  To help you record the chicks' progress, you can go to the FalconCam and click on the archives link under each of the 3 current pictures to see all the day's activities. Will there be 2 more chicks?  Several times, one of SW and Buckeye’s eggs have failed to hatch.  Watch closely at:
Watching the first tiny chick hatch on Earth Day this year is amazing because just 30 years ago, the species peregrine falcon was nearly extinct in North America.  Its comeback is one of the great success stories of wildlife conservation.  Let's commit ourselves to the future of all species. 

Our thanks to the Cleveland Museum of Natural History for sponsoring the FalconCams and for the outstanding FalconCam stills.

The photo of Buckeye listening to the hatch is courtesy of Scott Wright, volunteer peregrine nest monitor.  It may be used by children for school and/or personal projects, but please give Mr. Wright photo credit.  All others must contact Mr. Wright directly for permission to use his photos.
Welcome to the world, little guy!  Much to falcon fans' amazement, another chick hatched - two in one day!
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