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Dateline:  Cleveland, Ohio
April 9, 2008

SW and Buckeye are very good parents and take turns egg-sitting.  The eggs are almost always covered to keep them safe and warm.  In a typical shift change, SW departs …………
and Buckeye quickly takes over.
If you have been studying the FalconCam, you may have noticed that SW or Buckeye turn and rearrange the eggs about once every hour.  (Click on the FalconCam Archives, located under each picture on the front page at  in order to see pictures of all the day's activities).  In the following picture you can see Buckeye carefully turning each egg.
The World Center for Birds of Prey in Boise, Idaho explains this interesting bird behavior:  "Birds rotate their eggs to keep the eggs evenly warm or cooled (depending on weather).  If the clutch is large, then the eggs on the outside are moved into the center of the clutch where the temperature maybe a few degrees higher.  Eggs are also rotated to prevent the developing embryo from prematurely sticking to the inner membrane of the egg.  If the egg stays in one position for too long, then the embryo can stick to the inner membrane. This may cause the embryo to develop or hatch improperly. 

You could dissect a chicken egg to reveal the basic components of the egg.  Most ornithology books will explain the anatomy of the egg.  A store bought egg will do.  The eggs are not fertilized, so may not show all components of the egg.  Break the shell open gently and pour onto a smooth surface.  You will also want to look at the eggshell, so don't destroy it.

If you have a dissecting microscope you could see the pores on the outside of the eggshell.  This is where gas exchange occurs.  Oxygen goes in and carbon dioxide goes out. 

Have fun."

For a diagram of a chicken egg, which shows the basic parts of a bird’s egg, go to:

Here Buckeye seems satisfied after the eggs have been turned.
The Peregrine Fund, located at the World Center for Birds of Prey, led the way to save the species peregrine falcon.  Falcon lovers owe our gratitude to this organization for the survival of the peregrine in North America.  Today they continue working to save birds of prey around the world.  Visit them at:

National Environmental Education Week is next week, April 13 – 19.  It is the single largest organized environmental education event in the United States and seeks to increases the educational impact of Earth Day, April 22.  EE Week is coordinated by the National Environmental Education Foundation (NEEF) in cooperation with schools, environmental education organizations, education associations, and state and federal agencies.  For more information visit:
After awhile, the shift changes again and Buckeye departs.  When he is not out hunting to feed his family, he will stay close by to watch over the nest.
If you like jigsaw puzzles, our own falcon couple, SW and Buckeye, star in a series of puzzles at:
Thanks to a special falcon fan for creating these puzzles.

Our thanks to the Cleveland Museum of Natural History for sponsoring the FalconCams.

Photos are courtesy of Scott Wright, volunteer peregrine nest monitor.  They may be used by children for school and/or personal projects, but please give Mr. Wright photo credit.  All others must contact Mr. Wright directly for permission to use his photos.
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