Dateline:  Cleveland, Ohio
March 1, 2010

Welcome to the 2010 "Falcon Flash", news bulletins about the peregrine falcon - fastest creature on earth!  We will study and watch one peregrine falcon family during nesting season, approximately late February into June.  There has been a nestbox on the 12th floor of "Tower City" in Cleveland, Ohio since 1991. 

SW is our resident mom falcon…… 
It is with great sadness we report that Buckeye, the male peregrine falcon at this nestsite for the past 12 years, died on November 17, 2009 from injuries that appear to have been caused by a fatal head injury, probably due to collision with a building.

Buckeye – 1996-2009
Ranger was hatched in 2008 in Eastlake, Ohio, just outside of Cleveland.  Because he is very young, falcon fans are wondering if he is mature enough to be a father?  Will he know how to hunt well enough to provide for his family?  While we worry there might not be eggs and/or chicks at this nestsite this year, changing mates is a normal part of peregrine life.  It is all part of the drama of the peregrine reality show we are fortunate enough to watch thanks to Falconcams.  The Cleveland Museum of Natural History http://www.cmnh.org/ sponsors the FalconCams that are mounted on the birds’ skyscraper home that allow us an “up close and personal” look into the nest in real-time.  To watch the falcons live go to:  http://www.falconcam-cmnh.org/news.php

Here is a picture captured from the FalconCam showing one of the birds in the nestbox on the skyscraper ledge. 
You may think it's winter, but Ranger and SW are thinking spring, and soon they will begin the annual nesting life-cycle. Courtship, rivalry, survival, new life, parenting - falcons and humans have a lot in common.  We hope you will enjoy studying this magnificent species that escaped extinction and now rules city skies.  Stay tuned for falcon news.

To watch the falcons live go to: http://www.falconcam-cmnh.org/news.php
Our thanks to the Cleveland Museum of Natural History for sponsoring the FalconCams and for the still.

Thanks to Scott Wright for his expert commentary during nesting season and for his photographs.  They may be used in any non-commercial publication, electronic or print, but please give him photo credit.  The picture of Ranger’s bands comes from Mr. and Mrs. Saladin, who sometimes help Mr. Wright monitor this nest.
If you are new to watching falcons, here is some background.  By the 1970’s, the species peregrine falcon had nearly become extinct in North America because of the use of a pesticide called "DDT".  In 1972 DDT was banned in North America and for many years, scientists and concerned people from all walks of life worked hard to save the species.  In 1999 the peregrine falcon was removed from the List of Endangered Species, one of the great success stories in the field of wildlife conservation.  The birds are still being monitored and helped by humans to make sure the species continues its recovery. 

We have a penpal in Cleveland, Mr. Scott Wright, who has been a volunteer peregrine falcon nest monitor for 19 years and who sends news and pictures throughout nesting season.   Mr. Wright took this picture from inside the skyscraper window.   The falcons are perched atop the "FalconCams". 
Buckeye was the father of 34 peregrine chicks.  He made a wonderful contribution to the future of the species peregrine falcon, which has been recovering from near extinction in the U.S. since the 1970s.  Mr. Harvey Webster of the Cleveland Museum of Natural History suspects that Buckeye's fatal collision might have come during a battle with another male. Buckeye was getting up in years at age 14 and may have been challenged for SW's affections and control of valuable nesting territory.  Peregrine falcons are fierce predators, and both males and females will battle to the death over nesting territory and mates. 

For those of you who watched Buckeye in the past, you can read more about his life and death at:


Now there is a new male in SW’s life.  His name is “Ranger”. 
Shortly after Buckeye’s death, Ranger was observed courting SW, and they appear to have bonded over the past several months.  We know about Ranger because of his leg bands, which are B/92 and 1126-06441. 
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