Dateline:  Cleveland, Ohio
March 18, 2013
First there was one……
Here's an idea for kids who like to read.  A popular book called "Frightful's Mountain", by Jean Craighead George, is a story about a peregrine falcon named Frightful and how she makes her way in the world, including having her first chicks.  It's a dramatic story told from the bird's point of view.  Lots of kids like this book, and it will help make learning about peregrines more real.  

Will there be more eggs?  Last year there were 4 eggs.  Keep your eyes and browser set to:  http://www.falconcam-cmnh.org/news.php

Our thanks to the Cleveland Museum of Natural History for sponsoring the FalconCams and for the stills.

Photos are courtesy of Mr. Scott Wright, volunteer peregrine nest monitor.  They may be used in any non-commercial publication, electronic or print, but please give photo credit.  
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Then there were two ..........
And now there are three eggs.
Mr. Harvey Webster, Director of Wildlife Resources at the Cleveland Museum of Natural History tells us, “…this is SW's 12th year at the Terminal Tower, she hatched in 1999 and is nearly 14 years old. Falcon propagators have noted that productivity slips with captive Peregrine Falcons around the 14th year”. Last year, only one of SW’s four eggs hatched successfully, and falcon fans are wondering if all SW’s eggs will hatch normally this year - but so far so good. If all goes well, Mr. Webster tells us, “The egg is remarkable in that all of the ingredients to create one baby Peregrine Falcon have been assembled and packaged in SW's body in only 2 days. All that is needed now is 33 days of constant temperature, periodic turning, protection from extremes of heat and cold, rigorous defense of the nest as well as a delicate touch. After all of these conditions are met, a baby Peregrine Falcon might hatch.”  

It has been very cold in Cleveland, and SW and Boomer are keeping their eggs warm. If you monitor the FalconCams, you will see that the eggs are almost always covered by a parent.  

This is a photo of Boomer on a snowy day as he watches over his family.

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